Too much information?
Hold my LaCroix.
Do. Fail. Reflect. Learn. Do more. Fail more. Reflect more. Learn. Do more. Succeed. Drink champagne. Have a wild night. Wake up at a craft fair in Toledo. Learn.
Actual dinners I ate while social distancing/staying at home this week:
Cashew-milk ice cream
Baked beans on toast
I’m pretty sure Wednesday never happened.
Makeshift banana pancakes?
4-6 servings of hash browns
Doctor: What seems to be the problem?
Patient: I LITERALLY cannot stop dancing.
Doctor: Well that doesn’t—
Patient: 🕺
Doctor: I mean, that’s not a—
Patient: 💃
Doctor: I see…
2 stops right now.
1 stop. 1 stop.
Left hand on the rail.
Right hand on the rail.
G train.
Commute real smooth.
How to be a creative:
1. Make things that make people feel things.
2. Repeat.
On the next episode of Can She Be Any More Brooklyn: Kerry gets addicted to BYOB painting classes, throws tantrum when she runs out of blue.
Whenever you have a lot to do, start by taking a long shower.
I’m so sorry this happened to you.
—me, talking to a shrimp cocktail before I eat it. 🦐
It’s December 30th, 2019. You’re on holiday break, planning a trip to Venice in the cozy knit Skims you got from your Mom. Peter’s season of the Bachelor hasn’t aired yet. You google Elizabeth Warren and feel hopeful about the upcoming year. The Dow is up and you have toilet paper. Life is good.
Somewhere in time, I’m still eating cheddar bunnies through a sheet mask.
Day 1: Brings mail upstairs.
Day 109: Opens mail.
Me: Hi, I’ll have a tequila soda for me and a glass of rosé for my friend. [points to nobody]
Server: [looks at nobody]
Server: Okay…
Don’t let ANYONE know you’re struggling.
—me to me, every time I use chopsticks